Quiz: Are You Blocking Your Innate Potential? Step 1 of 7 14% You have 2 or more patterns that have been holding you back from reaching your next level that have been repeating for 2 or more years.* No, I don’t have any patterns that are holding me back. Yep, I know these patterns exist, but not sure how to get out of them yet. I’m honestly not sure. I have many unhelpful patterns that rule my life. You KNOW you’re capable of more, but yet for some reason you’re not acting on it.* I have no idea what next steps to take to create more for myself. I know what I need to be doing, but I feel such a mental block around actually doing it. I’m a bit paralyzed. I know I’m a badass but I’m not showing it or tapping into it as much as I could. I think deep down I’m scared of getting big. I’m pretty good at expressing my capability. You actually know what next steps to take, but you’re not doing it.* Have you been reading my journal? Uh yes, exactly (nods head). I’m actively taking the next steps, but do feel like there’s more I could be doing. Yeah, it’s weird, I truly don’t understand why I don’t just do it. I’m clueless on what steps to take. I almost feel like I’m treading water. Doing the same old shit, getting the same old results. You are already highly functioning in life and performing well and others would say you’ve got it goin’ on.* Totally rocking it in life, but something feels missing and/or I want more. Absolutely nailing it. I know I could be performing better. Yes, but I feel a bit of imposter syndrome. You have a list of excuses as to why you can’t ________ (fill in the blank). ex: It scares me, I don’t know how, I feel intimidated, etc.* If I’m frank (and you’re Bob.. c’mon please tell me, you get this joke), I’ve been hiding behind my excuses for months, or dare I say...years. If I’m honest with myself, my excuses are self imposed and really are holding me back. Nah, not too many excuses. But, I realllly believe my excuses are legit (hands Caitlin a list of supportive evidence to back up excuses). You’re worried about what other people will think if you start to show up differently.* Not really. I think about what other people think about me alllll. the. time. I just don’t want to make any waves. I feel like showing up in a different way could lead to discomfort in the relationship, low-grade conflict or me having to explain myself. No thanks. I’m a bit scared to show up outside of someone’s current perception of me. What if they think, “Who does she think she is?” Or, now our whole relationship will have to shift because I’ll be different and ugh I don’t necessarily want to deal with that. You’re scared about the new responsibilities that will come with achieving at your next level.* I’m afraid I’ll screw something up or not totally nail it at the next level. Sounds lame, but I don’t like not being perfect. I will show up for the requirements no matter what. I don’t totally trust myself to be able to consistently show up for or handle the next level of responsibility that’s required. I’m already pretty overwhelmed and don’t want to add on any more responsibilities to my plate, so yes. You’re so ready to enter into your next version of yourself but it’s the unknown that accompanies your next version that scares you.* I feel intimidated by this whole process. What will I have to let go of, for one? I eat unknowns for breakfast. For real though, I can handle anything. As silly as it sounds, I know the current me, but I don’t know the future me. So the fact that I don’t have experience with who I am within my next level feels a bit scary to me. I feel fear around people not liking me if I were to change. Deep down you question if you’re actually worthy of the results that you’ll generate on the other side of being unstuck.* Right, “Who am I to have more?” is a thought that swirls around. I have a hard time visualizing myself within my next level. I don’t even know what she looks like. Maybe a little bit. Wowww, I never thought of it like this. It’s embarrassing to admit, but yes I think part of me does feel this way. You have a fear of success.* Yes, I feel like it relates to a fear of being seen. More success = being seen more. I already am successful, however I want to reach my next level of success. I know I’m destined for greatness, but for some reason fully stepping into it feels scary or even intimidating. I have more of a fear of not fully accessing my potential. You have a huge mental block that’s standing in the way between you and your next level, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is, but you can feel it’s there.* I think it’s something unconscious that I haven’t fully recognized yet. Literally no idea. Just feel stuck. I tend to push through my mental blocks. I have an idea but not sure what to do about it. You feel as though you want to make a big difference / impact in the world, but that could cause wave making.* Making waves feels a bit uneasy for me, however I know it’s part of being a big player in the world. I feel as though I was born to make waves, but yet I feel a contradiction because I feel uncomfortable with making waves. Ugh, help! I feel pretty comfortable with making waves. I don’t have a strong desire to make a big splash. You feel emotionally resistant to advancing forward even though logically of course you want to.* I’ll do it later has been my mantra for far too long. I feel such resistance that it keeps me stuck exactly where I am. I feel a mixture of resistance yet excitement at the same time. I feel more emotional resistance around the idea of staying exactly where I am, versus advancing. You identify with being a leader.* A resounding yes. I’m already leading, baby. And I want to lead in even more impactful ways! Not in the conventional sense of the term, but yes. I really want to be a leader! It’s something that appeals to me, but I don’t feel like I’m there yet. You want to show up more authentically or as your true self in every area of your life.* Yes, this is an important value to me and I want to do it even more so. I do, but I’m such a people pleaser. I’ve got this dialed in. Certain areas I feel like I can show up authentically and then other areas I feel like I can’t. There’s something that you know you have to deal with that’s standing in the way of you stepping into your next level.* I’ve been avoiding dealing with it for quite some time, but I’m ready to now. I don’t believe so. I keep telling myself I’ll deal with this later. I’m a bit fuzzy on what it could be, but I’m sure it’s there. You feel like you’re in between your old self and new self.* I feel fully stepped into my new self. Yes, and I am meeting parts of myself that I’ve never met before. It feels weird! Yes, I no longer identify with my old self, but not quite yet do I identify with my new self. It feels scary to let go of who I’ve believed myself to be for so long. You relate to being a perfectionist.* There’s a part of me that equates nailing it, achievement and performing at a high level with my sense of worth, even though logically I know that’s not how it works. I do not like looking like I didn’t get it right, made a mistake or don’t know how to do something. No, I’m okay with being seen within my vulnerabilities. I just have super high standards. Name*Email* By entering your name and email above to receive your quiz results, you are also opting in to receive monthly newsletters from Caitlin. Δ